Post by Carly Samish, LAc, LMT
Acupuncture uses very thin, flexible needles to gently stimulate very specific points to help the body to regain balance. A treatment often uses less than a dozen needles and can reduce pain, increase circulation, release endorphins, calm stress, and strengthen the immune system. Many people experience relaxation and a feeling of well-being as a "side-effect" of acupuncture, as well as improvement in their particular health concern. Acupuncture is safe and comfortable for all ages.
Acupuncture uses very thin, flexible needles to gently stimulate very specific points to help the body to regain balance. A treatment often uses less than a dozen needles and can reduce pain, increase circulation, release endorphins, calm stress, and strengthen the immune system. Many people experience relaxation and a feeling of well-being as a "side-effect" of acupuncture, as well as improvement in their particular health concern. Acupuncture is safe and comfortable for all ages.